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Rhetoric has its roots in antique Greece and is widely referred to as “the art of speaking”. Today, the term comprises the ability to convincingly present one’s opinions and intentions in order to influence the thoughts and actions of others as well as the theoretical or scientific side of this art.

Apart from the actual speaking skills, rhetoric consists of several sub-disciplines, i.e. dialectics (the art of convincing) or the interpretation and correct employment of body language, all of which account for a good speaker. We will teach you a lot about these abilities. You will learn to implement this knowledge “in the field” and will already present yourself more convincing the following day.


Workshop or individual coaching

Time expenditure:

One day of insight
9 am–5 pm or upon consultation

Service Hotline 0800 42 42 800


Nursing care insurance – Increase of payments since 01.01.2015

Since January 2015 there is an increase of the amount of benefits in the nursing care insurance. We have outlined some of the important changes.

Non-cash benefits | Day and night services
Please find below the new maximum rates for non-cash benefits on an outpatient basis as well as the day and night services.

care level 0
till 2014 € 225
since 2015 € 231

care level I
till 2014 € 450
since 2015 € 468

care level I(people with significant disabilities)
till 2014 € 665
since 2015 € 689

care level II
till 2014 € 1.100
since 2015 € 1.144

care level II(people with significant disabilities)
till 2014 € 1.250
since 2015 € 1.298

care level III
till 2014 € 1.510
since 2015 € 1.612

If there are any questions left please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours HUMANITAS Pflegeservice – Team

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